Tony Stoker - Spirit of SAPA Service Award

This award, named after the late Tony Stoker, one of the founding members of SAPA, is presented to the individual who has served the circuit to the highest degree each season. Each winner of this award is nominated and voted on by the circuit members based upon the type of service to the circuit, the length of service to the circuit, financial impact on the SAPA organization, and/or personal commitment.  In 2017, SAPA retired this award.

 - Ahmed Alshabibi

2016 - Christopher Lowery

2015 - Christopher Lowery

2014 - Ron Torrance

2013 - Nora Lowery

2012 - Ginger Armstrong

2011 - Tim Church

2010 - Cyndi Church

2009 - Sue Mashburn

2008 - Gregory Turner

2007 - Ahmed Alshabibi